Sunday, August 1, 2010

Post New York City Tri & Ironman Lake Placid

Hello everyone.  1 Leg Reporting - Well, the NYC Tri was a blast.  Had an excellent 1500m swim (00:22:17) which was a personal best, and beat the two USA girls I was told that I would never beat !! Ha ! Swimming in the Hudson River - not so OK.  Salty and the small amount I swallowed (accidentally) caused me some gastro issues that took a week to resolve. Very very humid day, 102 F.  Made the bike hard - made breathing hard.  Great day overall.

OK, a week later and we are off to Lake Placid for the Ironman.  Curtis and I were both a little nervous - me moreso because I was not feeling so great following the NYC Tri.  Remember, I swallowed water from the Hudson.  The weather was absolutely perfect though.  Water temperature equally perfect.  The race started at 0700h.  Off we went.  The first loop for Curtis was uneventful.  He started wide and swam inward towards the buoy.  I drew the straw to wait and then pick my way through the slower swimmers.  Plan A - Curtis' plan - worked like a dream.  Plan B - Kim's plan - sucked !!  I got some dude's big toe up my right nostril that gave me a bloody nose.  Grooming gentlemen…they care called toenail clippers !?!  After I shake that off I run into another kook who's punching out everyone who passes him.  The guy clocked me so hard, it popped my ear plug out and I was seeing stars.  I was so angry, and swam up beside the guy and elbowed him in the gut and then blasted off past him.  Can you say 'jerk' or what?  Guy had issues with being passed by a chick with one leg.  Well get used to it buddy…I'll be back again next year too !!  My race was slower than my norm, but I finished the full swim and that was the goal.  Curtis had a great swim too and a really good bike up until the 120km mark.  His left knee started to bother him so he took it a bit easy for the last 70km.  No biggy, onto the run.  It was a tough run, but he made it through.  CURTIS SMITH YOU ARE AN IRONMAN; 15:25:10.  Long day, but a great one.  I am so proud of my IRONMAN.  He rocks !!

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