Sunday, April 25, 2010

Limestone Race Weekend 5K

22:37 - not bad, but not great...

Decided to do this race as of last Tuesday.  Figured that it would be a good test and it would also give me the opportunity to visit my Mom for her 49+ birthday (Happy Birthday Mom!)

Went in wanting to do somewhere in the 20-21 minute range - 20:32 would have been ideal, as it would have beat the recent time of one of my Lions Track Club Teammates (Hi Cathy!)

Nice day in Kingston - cool to start, but good overall.  Had a good warmup - had just enough time to pick the Mayflies out of my teeth prior to starting the race.  The Town Crier made a bit of a speech and off we went - 5K & 1/2 Marathon runners started at the same time, from in front of Kingston City Hall.  I had a strong 1st km, bringing in a 3:57 - right on pace.  Then the wheels fell off...

At the 2 km point, I started feeling really winded and the energy kinda left my legs.  I was in some trouble, so I had to make a command decision - I stopped running and walked for about 20 sec.  People were passing me, but I didn't care - I needed to do a "hard reset" and get back to work.  I started running again and felt better.  I caught a few people who had passed me, but kept an evil eye on my pace - it was measuring between 4:15 and 4:17.  Afraid to go any harder, I kept at this for the next 2 km,

I picked things up a bit for the final km and came in fairly strong.  I learned a few lessons here (negative splits!!!) and will put these into play at my next race - NEXT WEEKEND!!

Thanks to 1 Leg and my Mom & Dad for cheering me on!!

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